More than words

Simple words from me. A good tuto is not about nice and sweet. Its about simplicity and understanding. Think about it!

Friday, 17 June 2011

How to create Follow Button using Cute Icon?

1. Copy this code first.

<a href=" BLOG ID NUMBER" target="_blank"><img src="PICTURE URL" border="0"></a>

2. Login to Blogspot. Go to Design and click Page Elements. Next, click add gadget and choose HTML/JAVA SCRIPT.
3.Paste the codes and ignore the title.Before you save, please EDIT the code that i've highlighted above.

Blog id=12345678(to view the blog id, click new post , and the blog id is shown above)
For example,
Picture's URL (to find the url, you may use google )
*Click google, type any image that you want. Now, click search.Then, right click the image that you like. Now, choose 'COPY IMAGE URL' . Paste at the picture URL above.
4. Now, click Save, and done!:)


  1. great tutor!! thanks!!
    *juz makin new blog"

    giv visits!! ^__^

  2. thanx...dlm bnyak totorial yg saya tengok inilah yg pling mujarab..haha :D


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